Living Hope High School Dedication Service


On Thursday, September 28, 2023, a Dedication Service was held at Living Hope High School in Dada Estate, Osogbo. This significant event marked the culmination of a vision that began with a personal encounter with Jesus in 1974. The founder, Pastor Dr. Durojaiye Ojetayo, shared the journey, motivations, and future aspirations for Living Hope Care Ministries and its educational arm, Living Hope High School.


  1. The Beginning: The vision originated from a profound encounter with Jesus in 1974, prompting a commitment to His lordship and a subsequent call to establish Living Hope Care Ministries and Living Hope High School.
  2. Inspiration from Scriptures: The vision was solidified during a sermon on “Behold the Lamb of God” in August 2021, leading to a divine directive to provide free education for missionary children.


Living Hope High School:

Anchored in 1 Peter 1:3, emphasizing a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Motto: “spes viveret” (keeping hope alive).

Characterized as a Faith project, Love Mission, and Obedient Response.

God’s Miraculous Supplies:

Infrastructure provided through unexpected sources.

The vision came when there was nothing in provision but God has sprung up beautiful surprises. The building Structure was a Project to be executed by the Ojetayo family for a different purpose but it came in handy as a temporary campus for this school and would be available as a free Lease to the School until the School can have her own Campus.


Gratitude expressed to key figures, including the keynote speaker, Pastor Dr. Emmanuel Toluwalemiose Oluwayemi, and the Executive Board members.

Recognition of the invaluable contributions of family members and the dedication of Pastor (Architect) Kayode Oladimeji to infrastructure readiness.


Volunteers: Recognition and appreciation for individuals who sacrificially contributed time and expertise during the preliminary stages of the school.


Future Aspirations:

A vision of graduating students making a positive impact for Christ.

Envisioning a future where students serve God genuinely, replicate benevolence, and contribute to the spread of the Gospel.

A call for continued partnership and support to ensure the success of this mission.


Living Hope Care Ministries and Living Hope High School, recognized as not-for-profit entities in the USA and Nigeria, affirm their commitment to transparent and ethical practices. The school’s approval by the Osun State Ministry of Education underscores its dedication to providing a legitimate and sanctioned learning environment. With a diverse student body from ten Nigerian states, the institutions showcase their impactful outreach. Living Hope High School, guided by a qualified team of Christian educators, offers boarding facilities and a well-equipped kitchen, ensuring a holistic approach to education and student well-being. This brief overview highlights their legal legitimacy, diverse outreach, and commitment to quality education.


We are constantly on a stretch, if not on a strain, to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the Church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel. This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man or sink the man in the plan or organization. God’s plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God’s method. The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men.

Finally, Pastor Dr. Durojaiye Ojetayo expressed gratitude for the support received and invited continued participation in the vision. The dedication service marked a pivotal moment in the journey of Living Hope High School, with aspirations for a future where the impact extends beyond Osogbo, Nigeria, to influence generations and regions across Africa.

1 Comment
4 January 2024

God is good

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